Eccentric Twist: Destiny 2 Exotic Fusion Rifle Now an Unforeseen Threat

  • Felix Hawthorne
  • 246
Eccentric Twist: Destiny 2 Exotic Fusion Rifle Now an Unforeseen Threat

Another spirited Exotic weapon, the Tessellation Fusion Rifle, has been causing a stir in the Destiny 2 universe. This darling of the game appears to be in a rebellious mood, doling out damage in far greater quantities than was ever intended by the creators at Bungie. If you're thinking déjà vu, you’re right. It harks back to the days when Exotic weapons went rogue, either dishing out damage in exaggerated proportions or suddenly bestowing a full bar of super energy. Fortunately, Bungie has a stellar track record of nipping such anomalies in the bud to maintain game balance.

In the varied arsenal of Destiny 2, Fusion Rifles have carved out a niche for themselves. These potent tools of destruction, armed with Special ammo, ruthlessly wipe out enemies at close to medium distances, their power rivaling that of metaphorical steamrollers. Clearly, this breed of rifles has grown in fame and fortune, with the Jotunn and One Thousand Voices emerging as crowd favorites. However, the Tessellation Fusion Rifle, a pre-order gift for Final Shape enthusiasts, has surprisingly tilted the scales, thanks to a quirk in its effects.

The Tessellation wields a unique identifier, a power to consume a charged grenade's energy and amplify its damage. However, a sequence recorded by the prodigious Destiny 2 YouTuber Cheese Forever added a bewildering layer to this by alternating the equipped grenade while in the throes of Stormtrance, an Arc Warlock can seemingly perpetually generate supercharged shots until ammo depletes. The damage inflicted outperformed even those laudable hits dealt by famed heavy weapons, with Tessellation's DPS soaring high above the marks set by Izanagi's Burden and Hothead Rocket Launcher.

This isn't uncharted territory for Tessellation or Bungie. The Quicksilver Storm, another pre-order Exotic, had previously given Bungie a run for their money. Even then, the developers came up triumphant, bringing balance back to the chaos. As for the fate of Tessellation, Bungie's remedial blueprint remains shrouded in mystery. Players, however, speculate a temporary suspension prior to the World's First race for the returning Crota's End Raid.

For Destiny 2 devotees, the clock is ticking to the kickoff of Crota's End Raid on August 1, with promises of renewed rewards and a revisited Necrochasm. As curiosity lingers around Tessellation's fate, players can only look forward to how the return of this popular Exotic Auto Rifle impacts the game, its legacy, and its expansive universe. Indeed, Destiny 2 is proof that even in a world of pre-planned narratives and codes, unexpected twists can keep the player's pulse racing.

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