Diablo IV Open Beta: Prepare to Slay Demons in March!
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Fans of the classic Diablo franchise have something to look forward to this spring. Blizzard Entertainment recently announced that the open beta for Diablo IV would kick off on March 24th, giving gamers a chance to explore the game's prologue and Act 1 before its official launch. Those who pre-order the game can get early access from March 17th - 19th.
During the open beta period, players can explore most of Act 1 in the Fractured Peaks area and complete quests and slay demons as they wish - however, level progression is limited to 25 levels only. The beta also includes a prologue portion which allows gamers to get aquainted with various characters in the game world and learn more about their backstories before diving into full-fledged gameplay.
For those who pre-order the game, there will be an early access period from March 17th through 19th, where they can start playing ahead of everyone else and enjoy some extra time exploring what Diablo IV has to offer before it officially releases later this year on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch platforms simultaneously! Preordering also guarantees exclusive rewards such as bonus items like pets or mounts that can be used in game once it releases too!
In addition to early access for pre-orderers , there are other bonuses available during open beta as well, such as double XP gains up until level 10, so you can power through your character's progression faster than ever! There are even special events planned throughout these dates too, where players can participate in group content or compete against each other for rewards, including loot boxes with random goodies inside them which can make your experience even more enjoyable!
With so much content packed into just three days of gameplay for both pre-orderers and regular participants alike, we’re sure that anyone looking forward to Diablo IV won’t want miss out on this chance when it arrives next month! So mark your calendars. The open beta starts on March 24th 2023 - don't forget it because you won't want miss out on all these awesome opportunities coming soon!